Sunday, September 28, 2008

Valentines day

Notice who is under the table in this picture!

Elliot, the living couch! -- Yes, I added Kelsey's gifts inside of Elliot's
box! The things a mom must do to lure her kids home!

(Valentine morning heart shaped french toast)

Looking back I can't tell you how or why this started, but Valentines day has always been big in this family! I start out in January and put out what I call our "Valentines Love Boxes." There are five boxes, one for each of us with our names on the front and decorated with hearts and sweet stickers. ( picture above) From January until February 14th we all put sweet notes, hand made or store bought gifts in the boxes up until Valentines day for each member of the family.

Since my twins were born on February 13th, I'm not sure why or how I kept this up! But I did and I am so glad I have because it has become something we all look forward to doing every year.

Valentines day, I spend all day cooking simple yet fun and creative valentines dinners, decorate the table with flowers, balloons, candles, pretty valentine napkins, plates, cups, confetti, etc.

That evening we have a very fun, sometimes funny dinner, open our boxes of gifts and cards from one another and go to a silly movie that is playing. If a sweet love story isn't playing then I rent one...You've got mail is fun! When the kids were younger I'd rent fun movies at the Christian book store down the street. Or sometimes we'd read a story together.

Being a family and doing things together like this, in my book, is awesome!

Last year I decorated these water bottles with cute Valentine paper and
ribbons along with each family members names on them and put them into
their boxes....simple, sweet and fun!

Cupcakes can make any occasion fun and are so festive
looking on the table!

What I can't make, I buy!

Special coffee for my friends

I decorated candy bars last year with really pretty valentines paper
and added a special sweet note on each candy bar for each family
member. These decorated candy bars are fun to decorate for other
Holidays as well, Easter, Christmas, Birthday and fun to sneak into the kids
lunch boxes as well!


Just a few menu items over the years....

~Pink mashed potatoes
~Heart shaped pizza
~Heart shaped pancakes, pink whip cream, strawberries
~Bottle of sparking cider
~Heart shaped meat loaf
~Fruit salad shape in a heart on a beautiful platter
~Open faced heart sandwiches


Gotta love the lavender mashed potatoes from last

I figure if life is what I make it, than I want to make it great!

~ enjoy


{darlene} said...

I want to be you..........

can you teach me how!??! hehe.

(in other words, I think your traditions are so cool. soooo cool.)

Sandy said...

Looks like a great, fun time!
I have an elliot too ... :)
Thanks for visiting me today.

Ms. Tee said...

Valentine's day has always been big with us, too! I have a heart-shaped tiny egg frying pan that I have no idea where I got, but I use it every year. And each year, I make a "menu", and let my son pick from the options(limited to a few things!) The whole day is Valentine-y. Thanks for sharing and dropping by my blog for a visit. I'll be sure & come back to visit. :)